
  • 2023.06.01 - 2025.02.28 Acoustic-based Contact-free Gesture Recognition for Human-computer Interaction, PI, LU.
  • 2023.05.01 - 2025.04.30 Knowledge Graph-based Recommendation Framework for Manual Network Configuration, PI, LU.
  • 2023.04.01 - 2026.03.31 Balancing User Privacy and Data Utility in Mobile Crowdsensing, PI, LU.
  • 2023.01.01 - 2024.12.31 Preserving Implicative Privacy via Context-Aware Generative Approaches in Mobile Crowdsensing, PI, LU.
  • 2019.03.01 - 2022.09.30 Multi-Stage Learning: An Effective Learning Paradigm for Multistage Systems, PI, PolyU.


  • 2023.10 Birds of a Feather Purchase Together: Accurate Social Network Inference using Transaction Data [Slides]
  • 2022.04.25 Technique sharing: Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and Its Applications [Slides]
  • 2020.12.12 Data-Driven Analytics of Human Dynamics [Slides]
  • 2018.12.10 ICDM: “GINA: Group Gender Identification Using Privacy-Sensitive Audio Data” [Slides]